We will see what is Plagiarism and how we can find that out in this day and age?

There are tools out there that we could utilize to verify our work. Here is one example:

"Good Afternoon! As you know - WINTER is here! Please know that students will be going outside for recess if it is 10 degrees or above and there is no precipitation (raining or snowing). We want all students to get outside -  burn off some energy, have fun while staying warm and dry. In order to do this please send your child to school with the proper winter gear including coat, snow pants, snow boots, gloves, hat and scarf. Please make sure all items are labeled with your child's name. 
We greatly appreciate your help in keeping our students warm and dry. "

Here is one example - 

1Comma Misuse within Clauses
1Punctuation in Compound/Complex Sentences
3Word Choice
1Passive Voice Misuse
1Wordy Sentences
Sentence Structure
Plagiarism was not detected

Does this output completely reflect the rules followed around the world? 
It need not be the case. For example, "labeled" is spelt "labeled" in USA.

Every language has gone through an evolution and also changes with time, region, local language and a mix of cultures. For that reason, the argument that language is an intrinsic trait of humans and the concept of universal grammar theory appears to be not a complete reflection of how languages evolved over time. 

This takes back to a question that we had put forth on Prof. Noam Chomsky's birthday. If a particular language includes a complete universal grammar theory, then we would see English writings similar to what we found during Shakespeare times even now and we would not have seen new languages created over time.

When it comes to an individual, the language also evolves based on "EYE". When we expand our exposure, experience, education, empathy, our language and our method of communication also changes.

Now, coming to the original topic of, " What is Plagiarism?" - We will see a specific example in the next post.

Related Reference:
